That’s God!

Praying hands

But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things
and will remind you of everything I have said to you. John 14:26 (NIV)

Have you ever had a burden to pray earnestly for someone, a burden that comes out of the blue and won’t let go until you’ve prayed it through . . . THAT’S GOD . . . He causes you to pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests.

Have you ever stepped out in faith and attempted something you wouldn’t normally do and then seen it all come together . . . THAT’S GOD . . . He delights in doing more than we can imagine.

Have you ever been just sitting there and all of a sudden you’ve felt you should be doing something special for someone . . . THAT’S GOD . . . He prompts you through the Holy Spirit to do good works.

Have you ever been down in the dumps and had someone came along at just the time when you were needing a tonic to cheer you up . . . THAT’S GOD . . . His Spirit prompts people to encourage and comfort you.

Have you ever been thinking about somebody you haven’t seen for some time and then next thing you know you hear from them or receive a visit . . . THAT’S GOD . . . there is no such thing as “coincidence.”

Have you ever done something that you thought was no big deal, yet you were shown esteem because of it . . . THAT’S GOD . . . He honours those who serve Him.

Have you ever been trying to help someone through a problem and had verses of Scripture and spiritual principles come to you from somewhere beyond your own resources and abilities . . . THAT’S GOD . . . He gives us more than we can ask or imagine.

Have you ever been frustrated because of a delay and then discovered that if you’d proceeded as you’d intended it could have been disastrous . . . THAT’S GOD . . . He orders our days according to His ways.

Have you ever received something wonderful that you didn’t ask for, like money in the mail, a debt that’s been mysteriously cleared, or a voucher for a department store where you’d recently seen something you wanted but couldn’t really afford . . . THAT’S GOD . . . He knows the desires of your heart.

Have you ever been in what seemed to be an impossible situation, one in which you had exhausted every possible solution, and then despite the odds you came out on top . . . THAT’S GOD . . . He provides a way through.

And does it seem as if this devotion was meant to be on this particular day . . . THAT’S GOD . . . He knows what you need even before you ask Him.

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